Ghid de Redactare


Contributions should be written in English, German, French or Italian. The article should not be longer than 12.000 words, including footnotes.

Articles should be accompanied by an abstract (max. 150 words), preferably in English. The abstract should present the main point and arguments of the article.

The full name, institution, address and e-mail address should be written at the end of the article.

Please attach beside the article a short information about yourself (max. 5 lines), including the institution where you work, your main points of interest, main publications.


Authors are kindly asked to send in the final form of their article, carefully edited according to the following indications, proofed for language, spelling and grammar. Articles with spelling and grammar errors cannot be accepted.
Please use Normal Style, with Times New Roman, 11, single line spacing, justified, first line indent at 0.8 cm.
For headings use Heading 2 Style.

For Hebrew and Greek quotations please use Bible Works fonts (BWhebb, BWgrkl), Hebraica, Graeca, or Scholars Press fonts (the latter can be downloaded from the Biblica site). For transcription of Hebrew texts please use a standard transcription.


Footnotes are numbered continuously, starting with 1.
Footnote numbers in the text should be inserted automatically (Insert footnote), placed in superscript after the punctuation mark. Do not use endnotes or other modalities of inserting notes.
For Footnotes use Footnote Text Style with Times New Roman, 9, single, justified, hanging indent at 0.5 cm.


Please avoid unnecessarily long quotations, unless very important for your point.
Quotations shorter than four lines should be included in the text, between quotation marks, followed by the footnote indicating the source.
Please use quotation marks according to the rules of the language in which you write:
“English”, „German“, and « French » or « Italian ».
Quotations longer than four lines should be written as a different paragraph, without quotation marks, indented 0.5 cm left and right.


References to books and articles have to be placed in the footnotes. Do not add a bibliography.
The last name of the author(s) should be written in SmallCaps, the title of the book, article, periodical, volume in italic.

J. Gnilka, Das Matthäusevangelium, I, HThK I/1, Herder, Freiburg­–Basel–Wien, 1986, 9–12.
C. K. Barrett, The Gospel according to St. John,London, 21978, 435.
D. F. Tolmie, Jesus’ Farewell to the Disciples. John 13,1–17,26, in Narratological Perspective (Biblical Interpretation Series 12), Brill, Leiden, 1995, 28–29.

Articles from periodicals, collective volumes and festive volumes (Festschriften):
J.-N. Aletti, Jn 13 – Les problèmes de composition et leur importance, in Bib 87 (2006) 263–272 (264).
M. Pesce, Il lavaggio dei piedi, in Opera Giovannea (ed. G. GHIBERTI), Torino, 2003, 234.
H. Gese, Natus ex virgine, in Probleme biblischer Theologie. Festschrift G. von Rad (Hrsg. H. W. Wolff), München, 1971, 75.
S. Brock, Genesis 22 in Syriac Tradition, in Mélanges Dominique Barthélemy. Études bibliques offertes à l'occasion de son 60e anniversaire (éd. P. Casetti, O. Keel, A. Schenker), Fribourg – Göttingen, 1981, 1–30.

Patristic works:
Ambrosius, Expositio evangelii sec. Lucam II, 87, PL 14, 1584D-1585A.

Once the full information on a book or article has been given, the last name of the author should be used. If you refer to several works of the same author, mention the short title after the first name (for example, Wolff, Hosea, 138), without any reference to the first note where the full title was given. Please avoid general references to works previously cited, such as op. cit., art. cit., a.a.O. Also avoid f. or ff. for “following” pages; indicate the proper page numbers.


For all abbreviations of Jewish texts see TRE
For abbreviations of series and periodicals: TRE (see at the end of this style sheet the abbreviations of some known periodicals)
For abbreviations of classical authors: ThWNT or full name and work title
For Church Fathers: ThWNT or Latin name of Church Father with Latin work title


After abbreviations of biblical books and apocryphal writings no punctuation should be used.
Between successive verses within a chapter (Gen 1,1-10) use a hyphen, and an en-dash between successive chapters or verses from successive chapters (e.g. Gen 2–3 or Gen 1,1–2,4a). No space should follow punctuation.
A semicolon followed by space is used between different chapters (Luke 1,6; 3,4) and within a list of references to different biblical books (Matt 28,1; Mark 16,1; Luke 24,1).
A period without a space is used between discontinuous verses or parts of verses (Prov 2,3a.c; 4,1.3).
References to one or more verses of a previously cited text should be as follows: v 1; vv 2-4

Gen 1,10
Exod 1,1-10
Matt 2,2.6
Gal 2,5–3,2 
Qoh 2,3; 6,7
Synoptic parallels: Matt 6,5 par.