
Yearly subscription fee, two issues/year: 35 € (mailing fees included for Europe).
Payments should be made to the following bank account:

Asociatia Diatheke
Banca Transilvania, Sucursala Cluj-Napoca, B-dul Eroilor nr. 36
IBAN (EUR): RO 77 BTRL 01 30 42 05 B8 06 15 00

Please add the specification: Sacra Scripta and Asociatia Diatheke

For subscriptions or earlier issues contact
Marczinko Hilda: marczinkohilda@yahoo.com
Stelian Tofana: steliantofana@gmail.com

Information for contributors

Manuscripts in English, German, French or Italian should be submitted electronically (rtf
and pdf extension) to:
Stelian Tofană: s_tofana@yahoo.com
Korinna Zamfir: kori_zamfir@yahoo.com

The submitted articles are peer-reviewed.

Authors are requested to use the style guide available on the website.

Supporting members of the Centre for Biblical Studies

Scholars, students or institutions have the possibility to become supporting members of the
Centre for Biblical Studies of the Babeş-Bolyai University. Supporting members will get
Sacra Scripta free of charge, as well as regular information about the activities of the Centre.

Annual membership fees:
Romania, Albania, Armenia, Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, Georgia, Macedonia, Moldova,
Ukraine, Russia, Serbia:
Institutions, scholars: 20 €
Students: 10 € (a copy of the student card is required)
All other countries:
Institutions, scholars: 50 €
Students: 20 € (a copy of the student card is required)
Membership applications should be sent to Marczinko Hilda: marczinkohilda@yahoo.com
Payment of membership-fees: please refer to the bank account above. The specification
“supporting member” should be added.

Book reviewing

Copies of fourth-coming books sent by the authors or publishers to the redaction of Sacra
Scripta are welcome. They will be listed every year in the second issue of Sacra Scripta.
Books will be given to the Library of the Centre for Biblical Studies. The editors will decide
whether they will be reviewed.