Distribuidora-libreria balmes Biblioteca publica episcopal, Barcelona, Spania
Biblical library sofia, Sofia, Bulgaria
Universitat wien, Evangelische Theologie, Wien, Austria
Huber lang hogrefe ag subscription agency, Bern, Switzerland
Fachbibliothek theologie der cau, Kiel, Germany
Universitat Luzern, Luzern, Switzerland
Biblical Library St. Petersburg, Petersburg, Russia
Library of St. Andrews Biblical Theological Seminary, Moskow, Russia
Library of the Theological Institute of the Belarussian State University, Minsk, Belarus
Library of the Theological Faculty of Belgrade University, Belgrad, Serbia
Prof. Karl-Wilhelm niebuhr, Markkleeberg, Germany
Institutul Teologic Penticostal, Bucuresti
Orion press impex 2000 srl, Bucuresti
Biblioteca departamentului de teologie ortodoxă, Universitatea de Nord Baia Mare
Tatiana Afrasinei, Bucuresti
Katholieke universiteit leuven, „Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses” Leuven, Belgium
Mohr Siebeck, „Theologischen Rundschau”, Tubingen, Germany
The library of union-psce, „Interpretation” ISI, Richmond, Virginia usa
Katholisch-Theologische Fakultat, „Biblischen Zeitschrift” ISI, Munster, Germany
The catholic university of America, „Old testament abstracts”, Washington, America
De Gruyter, „Zeitschrift fur neutestamentliche wissenschaft”, Bonn, Germany
Faculty of Divinity, „Journal for the study of the new testament” Cambridge, UK
Andover theological library, Divinity school „Harvard theological review" ISI, Cambridge, UK
Brill, „Vetus testamentum” ISI, Leiden, the Netherlands
W. Kohlhammer gmbh „Zeitschrift fur althebraistik”, Stuttgart, Germany
Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg, Theologische Fakultat „Zeitschrist für die alttestamentliche wissenschaft ZAW ISI, erlangen, germany
Ateneo pontificio regina apostolorum, „alpha omega”, Roma, Italia
University of notre dame, department of theology „journal of biblical Literature” ISI, Notre Dame, USA
Universitat Salzburg „Biblische Notizen”, Salzburg, Austria
„Evangelische theologie”, Gutersloh Germany
„Internationale kirchliche zeitschrift”, Bern, Switzerland
„Philoteos-international journal for philosophy and theology”, Belgrad Serbia
„Sapientia Szerzetesi Hittudomanyi”, Budapest, Hungary
„Studia Judaica”, Cluj-Napoca Romania
„Studia universitatis babes-bolyai”, Cluj-Napoca, Romania