Sacra Scripta 2004
- Hans Klein - Zur Ekklesiologie im Corpus Paulinum
- Ioan Chirila - Pre-figurative Ancient-Testament Types for the New Testament Ecclesiology
- John Breck- Chiasmus in the Gospel of John
- Lehel Leszai - The ecclesiology of Paul's letters
- Olimpiu Benea - Theosis in the Biblical and Eucharistic Ecclesiology of Patristic Theology
- Peter Balla - Dealing with tensions in the Early Church-the example of Acts 6,1-7.
- Petre Semen - The Sense and Value of Life in the Christian and Judaic thinking
- Stelian Tofana- The dimension of Being Unity of the Church in New Testament Terminology
- Ulrich Luz- Unity of the Church in the Pauline Times
- Zamfir Korinna- Ecumenical Implications of the Authorship of the Pastoral Epistles for the Understanding of Ministry
- Zsolt Gereb - Das Bild der Kirche im Ersten Thessalonicherbrief
- Vladimir Peterca - Does Goliath have an eyesight defect or not?