Sacra Scripta 2005
- Attila Thorday - The Role of the Neaniskos in the Easter Mystery according to Mark
- Gyorgy Benyik. - Moral Code from the Mountain. Effective History of the Decalogue (Ex. 20, 1-19)
- Hans Klein- Moral Code from the Mountain. Effective History of the Decalogue (Ex. 20, 1-19)
- Ioan Chirila- The Bible in the Romanian Culture
- Korinna Zamfir - Some Aspects and Effective History of the Old Testament Feminine Presence
- Lehel Leszai - Gospel according to the Neaniskos among the Synoptics and in the Postmodern European Theological Thinking
- Mihaly Kranitz -"Passe et viens a notre secours" (Actes 16,9). Saint Paul et le chemin du message chrétien au continent européen
- Semen Petre - The Formative Value of the Davidic Psalms in Cult and Culture
- Stelian Tofana - The Apostle Paul's Discourse in Areopagus or the First Confrontation between the Heathen Philosophy and the Word of God in the European World
- Ulrich Luz - Neutestamentliche Theologie in Westeuropa zwischen Kirche und "Agora"
- Vladimir Peterca - Bibelstudium - Gestern und Heute
- Zoltan Olah - Bundestheologie bei den Propheten
- Zsolt Gereb - L'historicité des évangiles