Sacra Scripta 2021 - I-II
- Christos KARAKOLIS, Tobias NICKLAS, Cosmin PRICOP: Vorwort
- Stelian TOFANĂ: Editorial
- Anatoly A. ALEXEEV: Once More on Mk 16.9-20
- Ivan DIMITROV: Philippoi or Philippopolis, Nicopolis Epirus or Nicopolis ad Nestum
- Predrag DRAGUTINOVIĆ: Verwandlung durch die christologische Schriftlesung (2 Kor 3,18) – Das Lesen der Schrift als „mystische“ Erfahrung
- Wolfgang GRÜNSTÄUDL: “Greater Than They” (Luke 9:46). On the Reception of a Markan Doublet in Luke
- Carl R. HOLLADAY: Early Christian Interpretation of the Jewish Scriptures: Precursor to Modern Historical Criticism?
- Christos KARAKOLIS: Nonviolence in the New Testament. An Orthodox-Hermeneutical Perspective
- Hans KLEIN: Demut als Tugend der Erwählten
- William R. G. LOADER: Lost in Translation. The Gospel in Transition in Christian Beginnings
- Joel MARCUS: The Matthean Antitheses In Relation To Their Old Testament Theses
- Tobias NICKLAS: „Ihr aber seid der Leib Christi!“ (1 Kor 12,27). Impulse für eine metaphorische Ekklesiologie
- Karl Olav SANDNES: Resurrection on the Road to Damascus? Exploring Paul’s Purview on His Damascus Experience
- Lauri THURÉN: Early Jewish Parables and Fables as Non-Religious Narratives
- Stelian TOFANĂ: Resurrection and Ascension (Joh 20:14-18) - A Johannine Theological Perspective of Jesus’ Appearance to Mary Magdalene